White Smile -- Naturally

The most unattractive thing about a smile is discolored teeth, according to a recent American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) consumer poll. And the numbers prove it! Whitening treatment is the number one requested cosmetic dental procedure and has increased more than 300% since 1996, according to the AACD.

“While daily home care and regular professional cleanings are essential for maintaining healthy teeth and gums, certain foods can help remove stains from your teeth,” says AACD President Dr. Marty Zase. “Foods such as apples, pears, celery, carrots, cauliflower, and cucumbers produce saliva which combines with the foods’ natural fibers to naturally clean teeth and remove bacteria.”

Natural White Smile Foods and Tips include:

* Strawberries - naturally whiten your teeth.
* Avoid drinking coffee, dark syrup sodas, red wine and blueberries. All stain teeth quickly.
* Drink from a straw whenever possible…allows food dyes to bypass teeth altogether.
* Baking soda helps remove stains and build up. Brush it on your teeth twice a month, just as you would toothpaste, and rinse.
* Raw veggies are not only healthy to eat, but they will clean your teeth and remove surface stains.
* The mechanical action of chewing sugarless gum can also stimulate saliva and clean teeth surfaces, though not recommended for patients with TMJ.

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Dr. Fallah provides Teeth Whitening and for yellowed, chipped, cracked and discolored teeth, Porcelain Veneers -- all in his comfortable, friendly San Diego Dental offices.