WHY is Mercury Still Used?
At Least One Dental School is Forward-Looking
Research has
also indicated that the most toxic metal is mercury --
considered to be more toxic that lead, arsenic or cadmium.
With all of the negative indicators
piling up, nearly fifty percent of all U.
S. dentists still use mercury fillings in their practices and a large number of
U. S. dental schools continue to teach with mercury fillings as the material of
In contrast, graduates of the New York
University (NYU) College of Dentistry will not be taught with mercury amalgam
materials. A faculty letter recently
sent to students at NYU cited the United Nations Environmental Program which
proposes that mercury-containing products, including amalgam, be phased out of
use. The faculty letter also cited the
large mercury load in the waterways of the world, including those of America. A major source of that mercury is dental
NYU, reported these and other issues
that caused it to take the course of teaching students alternative ways to care
to patient teeth, stating that, "all treatment plans should consider
alternative restorative materials other than amalgam."
NYU is not going completely
mercury-free, will still include amalgam
preparation design and placement, however, they have officially revised the
default restoration material from amalgam to composite. The letter also states
Amalgam may
still be used, however, approval for placement must be received from faculty
after student-proposed justification.
Dental students
will be trained in use of amalgam, but will be instructed in indications and contraindications.
Strict mercury
hygiene procedures are to be followed when using amalgam in both the clinic and
preclinical settings.
For more information on the effects of mercury -- watch the video below ...
Then call your holistic dentist - Dr. Fallah -- 760-730-1600 - TODAY!